Wick PlayersAn amateur dramatics club based in Wick in the far north of Scotland, Wick Players have been producing biennial pantomimes since the early 1950s, which has become a tradition for the club and the community. 

Like many creative groups, Wick Players’ activities were derailed by the pandemic and lockdown restrictions, and the tradition of pantomimes was severed. But as 2023 was their 90th anniversary, the group was determined to get back on track as a stronger and mightier Wick Players, and reinstate the Christmas pantomime.  

They recruited new cast members and backstage crew, and a team of 55 people came together to create a new production that brought the magic of pantomime back to their community.

Jayden Alexander said, “A healthy local community is one where residents hold genuine, mutual respect for a cause and have a strong commitment to where they live. It is based on the foundation of a willingness to help and to support one another and a mutual interest in the local area, and in our case, a willingness to bring Wick Players back together.” 

You can find out more via their website or follow them on Facebook, X/Twitter and Instagram.

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