Picture of people holding one painting each

During 2021, the Wellbeing Wednesdays group for vulnerable or isolated local people met at The Mill in Walthamstow, London.

The group took part in over 30 sessions, where they had a say in what they’d like to learn and try out in order to improve and maintain their well being. The sessions were supported by Neesha Badhan from NBAM, and funded by Clarion Housing.

The group took part in lots of different activities including creative activities and topics such as nutrition, horticulture and personal safety, physical activity like walks and yoga, and some fun including scrabble and bingo! Local volunteers and professionals came along to share their knowledge. The participants also took part in other events at The Mill and visited the E17 Art Trail where they met local artists and reflected on the local area.

The retention we managed to achieve shows there is great demand for regular sessions like this, and we are starting our next project very soon. Called Reflections, we’ll be taking the time together on Mondays from 1 – 3pm, sharing and exploring how we all view our lives and world and us, facilitated by Neesha Badhan.

If you’d like to come along contact us by phone 020 8521 3211 or [email protected].  We’d love to have you join us!