Resin flowersKoen Van der Straeten of Brock Garden Centre in West Lothian tells us how a 'Keep on Creating' microgrant from Creative Lives helped them buy materials and equipment for the activities they run for people with chronic mental health conditions.

"The Brock Garden Centre SCIO provides therapeutic activities for people with chronic mental health conditions, including arts and crafts.

The grant received from Creative Lives enabled us to buy materials to continue our sewing workshops, pyrography workshops, fly-tying workshops, art workshops and general craft workshops - as well as starting an exciting new workshop upon request from our people, working with resin.

The resin taster workshops took place over 3 sessions, and in small groups due to the level of concentration and the need for some pace before the resin starts to set.

All our people who were interested have now participated in the taster sessions, and the first few have started experimenting by combining their new resin skills with other craft skills - we cannot wait to see which other creative pieces they will come up with.

Thank you Creative Lives!"