To mark its 100th year, Tesco has launched Bags of Help Centenary Grants. 

Applications for £25,000 are welcomed for a broad range of projects that will provide community benefit across a whole region, or a significant part of it. Scotland is divided into five special regions where customers can vote for their favourite project:

1. Highland and Islands / North East Scotland

2. Mid Scotland

3. West Scotland

4. Central Scotland

5. South Scotland

Grants will be awarded to not-for-profit organisations, including registered charities, community interest companies, health bodies, local authorities and social housing providers.

Three projects in each region will be voted on by customers in Tesco stores throughout Scotland, in July/August and November/December 2019. Following the vote, the project that receives the most votes in the voting region will receive a grant of £25,000, second place receiving £15,000 and third place £10,000.

The July/August 2019 voting period will feature projects with a Health and Wellbeing theme, and projects focussing on cancer, heart disease and diabetes will be prioritised.

Applications are assessed by Groundwork to ensure they are eligible. Tesco colleagues will shortlist the projects to determine which go forward to the customer vote.

For more details and how to apply, please visit