Mural in SaltcoatsSeaSalt Streets is a group of volunteers seeking to make improvements to Dockhead Street and surrounding environments in Saltcoats, Scotland. The group uses creative approaches to enhancing the look of the area including improving street furniture, street planting, adding street art and re-imaging how to use empty shop units.

The project began with a public consultation, asking people what they would like to see in their town centre. The top answer was a mural. 

The volunteer group took on the challenge, and created a mural in Saltcoats town centre. They worked with the Community Payback group, who painted the wall first, so that the group had a blank canvas. The result is the longest mural in North Ayrshire, which attracted a lot of attention from both locals and tourists. 

Following the success of the mural, the group wanted to do something with local children in the area, so organised workshops for children with an interest in graffiti art, so that they could get some hands-on experience and learn from an artist directly. 

Annie O'Rorke said: “It was brilliant from start to finish: a really good buzz about the town and in the community. The kids loved it as nothing like this has ever been done before. Thoroughly enjoyed by all and gave the kids a great sense of pride to put something back into their town. The general public loved it too, it got a lot of publicity and photographs taken. We feel lucky to have made this happen, a lot of hard work in the background to get this organised but well worth it for the community.” 

You can find out more via their Facebook page.

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