Since the Epic Awards began, 21 groups across Scotland have had their moment in the spotlight - you can read about them all here.


WINNER - Musicians in Exile

Musicians in Exile is a community project for asylum-seeking and refugee musicians in Glasgow. There is a great deal of intercultural interaction between the musicians, supporting each other musically and performing in mixed languages and styles. 

"Everyone had a hugely enjoyable time at the Epic Awards ceremony. For people not long in this country, it was valuable to see what the voluntary sector in the UK does and that they're a cherished part of it. The good that this award will do us will be long-lasting." 

RUNNER-UP - 24 Carat Gold

Aged from 60 to 87 years old, the dancers of 24 Carat Gold all met at a dance class in Edinburgh nine years ago. They enjoyed it so much, they decided to set up their own group to have more opportunities to dance, experiment with choreography and perform.

Winning an Epic Award is a very special landmark for 24 Carat Gold. We get so much pleasure from dancing together and learning new routines. The Award shows us that other people have enjoyed our efforts too, and realise that age is absolutely no barrier to learning new skills.”


Kirrie Connections is a community dementia support hub, based in the rural Angus town of Kirriemuir. Each week it hosts a variety of sessions, such as rug-making, mosaicking and printmaking, for its members and their family carers.

"We’re delighted that our volunteers have been recognised with this award. Every week they make Kirrie Connections a special place, and play a vital part in ensuring that people with dementia remain active and engaged in their local community."


WINNER - Reach For Change

The ‘Reach for Change’ project saw six autistic young people who are passionate about raising autism awareness write, produce and perform ‘In Our World: A Day on the Spectrum’, a play covering bullying, sensory issues, school, employment and criminal justice.

We were so delighted to win an Epic Award. It’s heartwarming to know that our voices are being heard in the community and that our work is making a difference. Winning the award has given us so much more confidence.”

RUNNER-UP - Say It Ain't Sew

Run by a group of volunteer tutors, Say It Ain't Sew was a free hand-sewing class, with all materials provided. They worked with a wide range of people, including refugees, women who have experienced domestic abuse, adults with learning disabilities, young carers and people with drug and alcohol problems. Started in Glasgow, Say It Ain’t Sew built thriving social hubs across Scotland, with classes in Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Dundee, Stirling and Ellon.


Riddell Fiddles helps people in the Scottish Borders access the joy of fiddle-playing. In 2017, they ran the ‘Bannerfield Buskers’ project, during which young people were provided with free instruments and weekly tuition, before taking part in festivals, a short tour and performing at local care homes.



This volunteer-led project in Glasgow offers support, focus and purpose to people with mental health difficulties, giving them the chance to learn luthiery, making their own guitars from a range of materials.

It’s a special honour to win an Epic Award. Working with people to improve their quality of life and participating in creative arts is a reward in itself, but to be recognised for this is a massive boost. We’re re-energised with a focus on growth and more participation. Thank you, this really does make a difference.”

RUNNER-UP - MugStock

Taking place on the outskirts of Glasgow each July, the MugStock festival is run by a team of dedicated volunteers. They work in partnership with local performers and charities to run a fun, inclusive event for the whole community, attracting over 1,300 people.

"It’s a great honour for MugStock to be named Scotland Runner-up alongside so many inspiring projects. We set out to do something big, fun and positive for its own sake, and it's lovely to be recognised for that.”


WINNER - alter:nativity

Over 90 performers and backstage hands from four rural villages in Aberdeenshire came together to stage a modern-day nativity, inspired by events in Syria where refugees are fleeing their homeland in search of safety.

We were thrilled to be shortlisted, but to actually go on and win an Epic Award feels like a real feather in our community cap. You start a project because it seems like a good idea, but then once people get behind it, it gathers momentum and before you know it everyone has been inspired.”

RUNNER-UP - Kilmarnock Railway Station Heritage Trust

A group of volunteers raised funds to turn disused rooms at Kilmarnock Railway Station into a hub of cultural, historical and educational activity for the local community.

Winning the Epic Award has given the Trust confidence to surge ahead with new and exciting projects to benefit the community, to dare to be different. Our volunteers take pride in the award and show it off with a warm glow at every opportunity!


Guthan an Iar was set up by Gaelic singer Gillebride MacMillan, with a view to keeping the oral song traditions of Uist alive. The group is made up of locals from the Uist community, who sing song-poems, many of which are in danger of dying out.

We were surprised and delighted to have been selected for this Epic Award by our peers. This has given us even greater encouragement and confidence to continue our aim of revitalising traditional singing in Gaelic and to bring it to a wider audience.”


WINNER - Kirkcudbright Art and Crafts Trail

This volunteer-led arts trail in Dumfries & Galloway started small but grew to include over 100 venues filled with work created by over 200 participants, attracting visitors from far and wide.

Winning this prestigious Epic Award is a truly wonderful recognition of all the hard work that goes into this event. We feel truly honoured to win and are confident it will further help to promote our friendly town.”


Run by a dedicated group of volunteers, DD8 was set up to give young people in Kirriemuir, Angus and the surrounding rural areas access to musical activities, including playing, composing and recording.

Young people are actively encouraged to take up positions on the committee, and they shape the vision of the group.


WINNER - Braemar Creative Arts Festival

Based in Aberdeenshire, Braemar Creative Arts Festival is run by local residents and inspires people to take up new activities, leaving a year-round legacy of arts participation.

Winning such a prestigious award in just our second year left us speechless. The Epic Award has given a tremendous confidence boost to the team, and affirmation that our efforts are all worthwhile. It’s given us the courage to grow, take risks and strive to make each festival bigger and better.” 

RUNNER-UP - Lewis Pipe Band

Based in Stornoway on the Isle of Lewis, this band has been running since 1904. In 2013, they pulled out all the stops to raise considerable funds and fulfil their dream of taking part in piping championships.

PEOPLE'S CHOICE AWARD - The Great Tapestry of Scotland

One of the largest community arts projects Scotland has ever seen, The Great Tapestry of Scotland involved 1,000 stitchers from across the country, who created a 143-metre long tapestry for the nation


WINNER - Barra Bunting Project

Barra Bunting invited crafters across the globe to send bunting to their small Scottish island in the Outer Hebrides, and turned their local fair into an international event.

Winning the Epic Award was something we were really proud of and something that put us on the map. We were also very honoured to be chosen from the group of projects. It gave the committee confidence that yes, we can do something really good here.”

RUNNER-UP - The Craw’s Nest Project

Run by Stonehaven Horizon, the Craw’s Nest project saw a community pull together to transform a neglected area at the beachfront, by designing, sourcing and painstakingly installing a huge mosaic inspired by Stonehaven.

PEOPLE'S CHOICE AWARD - Forth Bridges Accordion Band

Based in Bo’ness, Falkirk this cross-generational band plugged a hole in the Scottish music scene, keeps musical traditions alive and brings people together.


WINNER - The Buddy Beat

Our first ever Scotland Epic Award winners, The Buddy Beat drumming group made an inspirational video about its members’ recovery from mental illness.

Since our Epic Award, we have often been announced as ‘The Award-winning Buddy Beat’, which not only brings a smile to our faces, but validates all that we do. The sense of pride, achievement and recognition of winning is something that lasts to this day.”

RUNNER-UP - Castletown Heritage Society

Based in a Scottish coastal town in Caithness, Castletown Heritage Society re-staged an Edwardian Concert held in the town in 1911, engaging much of the local community.

We were delighted that the Edwardian Concert project brought us success in the first Scottish Epic Awards. It was gratifying to receive recognition for the months of planning, research, practise, performing and backstage help from a huge number of people. The news went round the community and people were talking about our win in the street!