The independent Commission on Parliamentary Reform want to hear what you, and your group, thinks about how the Scottish Parliament is working and, if you think it could do better, what improvements should be made.

The Commission has been set up to look at—

  • how the Scottish Parliament engages with the people of Scotland;
  • the identity of the Scottish Parliament, as distinct from the Scottish Government; and
  • whether the right ‘checks and balances’ are in place to ensure effective parliamentary business.

Having a strong, effective parliament is in all our interests.  The laws passed and the Government policy considered at Holyrood directly affect many aspects of our daily lives so it’s important the public have a clear say in how those laws and policies will work.

That is why an important part of the work of the Commission is to enable everyone who wants to, to give their views to the Commission – Your Parliament, Your Voice.

There are a number of ways you can have your say:

  • Call for written views - the Commission for Parliamentary Reform are inviting your written views on a number of questions about all three aspects of the Commission’s remit (the three bullet points above). You can choose whether to respond to some or all of the questions. The call for written views can be found here (pdf 142kb). Please note that the closing date for giving your written views to the Commission has been extended to Monday 27th March 2017.
  • On-line survey - take this quick on-line survey to give your views on the Scottish Parliament and your experiences The survey should only take a few minutes to complete. It will not ask you for any personal information and responses will be kept securely and confidential. Individual responses will not be published, although extracts from your response may be included in any analysis of survey results.
  • Discussion toolkit - if you are from a group and want to provide your views – there is a toolkit available which can help you gather those views. This toolkit combines ice breakers, a quiz and fun activities all designed to get your group – no matter how big or small – discussing your experiences and how you would like to interact with the Scottish Parliament (and what stops you). The toolkit is provided as a pdf document (3.1mb) and the quiz is available separately as a power point presentation.

For more information visit the Commission on Parliamentary Reform website.