Space2Create < Back to Shortlist Space2Create is a collective of volunteers managing a venue and running creative activities aimed at giving everyone an opportunity to develop their skills. They provide drop-in creative sessions, facilitate independent groups and hold exhibitions celebrating service user art and that of local artists who struggle with a physical or mental health condition. They also place some of their artworks in local venues such as doctor’s surgeries, shops and the local leisure centre. All of the day to day running and decision making is undertaken by volunteers and their work supports people with dementia, long term physical illness, mental health conditions and many other issues including isolation. Newcomers often simply watch at first but then may begin to participate and many then often progress to become more involved and, in time, may start volunteering or helping to run the organisation. Space2Create encourages people to express their creativity as part of healing and celebrate their creative outcomes through projects, auctions, exhibitions and events. People’s Choice Award Vote for this group! Website | Facebook | Twitter Manage Cookie Preferences