Craft Craft 'n' Mingle is a small friendly group of people of all ages. We're welcoming, supportive, kind, friendly, fun, inspiring and creative.

We do a wide range of crafts: knitting, crocheting, needle felting, textiles, and some experimenting! We have the occasional workshop to learn new skills and crafts.

Sometimes we'll take part in group projects to create items to sell at crafts fairs for Easter and Christmas. The money raised goes towards paying for workshops and a percentage goes to charity. On the Monday group meet-ups, people generally bring along a small project they are working on - sometimes helping and showing others a new skill.

We meet on Mondays from 3-4.30 pm at Corza Cafe, 111 High Street, West Wickham BR4 0LT

Join our Facebook group here or contact us on email at [email protected]