Are you involved in creative cultural activity - like singing, dancing, baking, gardening, painting, drawing, playing, writing, coding, knitting, organising, performing, talking and listening or helping to bring people together?

You are invited to participate in an informal conversation with people in your area who are engaging in creative cultural activity for the common good.

Help make your area an even more culturally vibrant, inspiring and inclusive place.

Booking form - book here

Belfast StreetViews is a series of conversational gatherings throughout Belfast in March 2017 focused on ways in which people engage with creative cultural activity for the common good.

The conversations are being convened by Voluntary Arts Ireland in North and South Belfast.

They are a part of Belfast City Council’s Cultural Framework 2016-2020  which recognises that the city's people and communities are its lifeblood. Creatively engaged citizens and culturally vibrant communities are not the by-product of a successful city; they are a prerequisite for its success.

We hope you can take part and contribute by talking, listening and learning. We very much hope this will begin a process that has the potential to help make your locality an even more culturally vibrant, inspiring and inclusive place.