About the project

Beach of Dreams began as a 500-mile creative walk, exploring the coastline of the UK in 2021. It will culminate in a collective UK and Ireland-wide mass participatory coastal journey in May 2025, developed by Kinetika in partnership with Creative Lives.

We're bringing together an unprecedented partnership of arts, cultural, environmental, and community organisations across England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, and the Republic of Ireland. Artists, scientists, writers and communities will explore creative solutions for their local landscape in response to challenges presented by the climate emergency.

How to get involved

Beach of Dreams Hubs

We're looking for organisations to become Beach of Dreams Hubs in 2025. These Hubs will bring communities together across a stretch of coastline (e.g. 30 miles), and lead walks, beach days, and creative activities.

Throughout June 2023, we hosted a series of roundtable discussion events for organisations to find out more about becoming Hubs.

In Autumn 2023 we'll be announcing how your organisation can claim a stretch of coastline and become a Beach of Dreams Hub. We'll also be running further roundtable sessions for you to learn more. Check this webpage for further updates, or sign up below to receive our Beach of Dreams newsletter.

More info

For regular updates about the project, sign up for our Beach of Dreams newsletter.

For more details, visit www.beachofdreams.co.uk or email [email protected]