Fuelled by volunteers ranging from school age to 70+, Artytime is on a mission to bring arts and crafts to all ages and abilities. Starting as a small voluntary group in Crowborough, East Sussex in 2014, they initially provided activities for young children and families. They then went on to set up a hugely popular scrapstore, and post-Covid have started a crochet club, sewing circle, and are working with local teenagers to set up a youth club. 

“The Artytime scrapstore, art and craft sessions, and fundraising activities bring the community together to enjoy creative activity while raising awareness and funds for a common aim,” says Beverly Pashley. “Everyone is learning new skills, forming friendships and feeling a sense of pride and achievement. Volunteers have said they enjoy the feeling of ‘giving back’, as well as the training that has helped those wanting to return to the workplace enhance their CV and confidence. 

We come across a lot of people who do not think they are ‘arty’ but by promoting a ‘have a go’ attitude they soon discover their inner child and enjoy the activity.”

You can find out more via their website or follow them on Facebook.

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