Current work Creative Lives Awards Angela Gabriel * Creative Lives Awards 2022 - Local Hero Award * In 2019, Creative Lives introduced the Local Hero Award as part of the legacy of former charity Arts Development UK. ADUK drew its membership from local authorities, organisations and individual advocates for local arts development, so this award honours an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to arts development in a local community. As the Creative Lives Awards 2022 ceremony took place in Leeds, Local Hero Award was awarded to Angela Gabriel. Angela is a former Councillor for Beeston & Holbeck who has devoted a huge amount of her time to volunteer for groups Beeston in Bloom and Beeston Festival. Beeston in Bloom promotes community pride through gardening projects. The Beeston Festival, organised by and for local people, celebrates the life and diversity of the local community. The Local Hero Award 2022 was presented by Alan Lane. Alan is Artistic Director of Slung Low, an award-winning theatre company based in Holbeck: an inner city South Leeds ward. Slung Low specialise in making large scale productions in non-theatre spaces with community performers at their heart. Manage Cookie Preferences