64 Million Artists: January Challenge 64 Million Artists has launched its January Challenge for 2017 and they’re inviting you to get involved. It’s really simple. Each day in January you will receive a short creative task that will be free to do, will only take 10 minutes and will give you a different way to approach your day. It might be to draw the view from your window, or dance around your kitchen, or go for a walk without knowing where you’re going. The challenge will get you to Do the task, Think about what it was like and then Share this with others. This year, people are invited to get involved as a group or in a pair. You can sign up on your own but we think it’s more fun (and you’re more likely to feel motivated to keep going) if you get involved with others. So you might… Invite a friend or family member to sign up with you and share what you’re doing with each other. Set up a Facebook or Whatsapp group and take on the challenge with some colleagues, your community group or your school. Or even meet up weekly to share how you’re getting on. Get your whole place of work or extended family or friendship group to sign up and set up your own hashtag for sharing online. OR if you want to meet new people, just join the January Challenge Facebook Group and take part with the people sharing there, or on the 64 Million Artists Twitter or Instagram. Taking part couldn’t be simpler! To sign up to receive the challenges by email click here, or you can just join the Facebook Group, follow 64 Million Artists on Twitter, or join in on Instagram where they’ll be posting the challenges first thing each day. Manage Cookie Preferences