In this session, we'll be joined by Lewis Hou: founder and director of Science Ceilidh, host of the Culture & Wellbeing Community Network Scotland conversations, and a member of the Creative Lives Board of Trustees.

We’ll be exchanging ideas and best practices as well as sharing experiences around the theme: Creative Vulnerability. Lewis will kick off the session with some reflections on his own practice. The theme will be discussed starting from the following questions and a creative journaling exercise:

  • What creative advice would you give to your younger self?
  • Have you ever opened up to someone or a group using a creative activity or practice?
  • How is working creatively with other people different/more vulnerable to creating alone?

Creative Network: BIPOC meets regularly, led by Phoenix Archer (Community Engagement Officer). These sessions are for BIPOC Community-Led Creatives only. If you're not a BIPOC creative but you support BIPOC creatives in your work, please get in touch at [email protected]. We want this to be a safe and supportive space for BIPOC creatives.

Part of Creative Network, a series of free online discussions on a range of topics which intersect with everyday creativity, led by Creative Lives. The sessions bring people together to learn from, share with, and inspire each other, with expert insight from guest speakers.

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Creative Network: BIPOC Support Group

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