Paddock Orchestra is a well established amateur orchestra that performs at least three public concerts a year in the Huddersfield area.

We rehearse on Tuesday evenings (during school term time) at 7.30pm in Paddock Village Hall, West View, Paddock, Huddersfield HD1 4TX.

Whether you are an experienced amateur looking for a new orchestra to play with, a lapsed musician looking to dust off your instrument or a learner of any age looking to join an ensemble, we would love to hear from you. New members are not required to audition - interested players will be invited to attend a number of rehearsals both as a trial, but also so you can see if the orchestra is the right fit for you. We are looking specifically to fill string vacancies (violin, viola & double bass), trumpet and percussion, but we are happy to receive expressions of interest from all other orchestral musicians.

If you are interested in playing in the orchestra then get in touch with us through the email or telephone contacts on our website and follow our updates via Facebook @paddockorchestra.