Celf-Able Ltd started as an informal group of four disabled artists in 2015, meeting once a month in Newtown, Powys. The group grew gradually and now has over 80 members, and meets once a month each in five towns across Powys. Without a base venue, Celf-Able hires accessible meeting rooms and gets together to create art in a social and peer-supportive atmosphere. 

The group is 100% disabled-led but inclusive and open to anyone, providing space, time and materials for people to explore and express their creativity whilst having a social chat. Celf-Able also hosts 'Zoom in the room' sessions for those who cannot join in person. 

When funding allows, the group organises guest artist workshops on art techniques and materials requested by members; recently these activities have included abstract landscapes in acrylics, collagraph printing, graffiti stencils and wet felted pictures. In the past two years, Celf-Able has run three significant environmental art projects in addition to regular sessions, which involved many members of the wider community; one of which was featured on national Welsh news. They believe firmly in the power of social art to bring people together and promote individual and community wellbeing.

“We find that people say that they can't do art and they're reluctant at first, but when they get stuck in they produce some beautiful work and tell us how surprised they are at the results, and how much better they feel for having spent some creative time.” Amanda Wells, Celf-Able 

Learn more:

  • Website www.celf-able.org 
  • Facebook @celfable
  • Twitter @celf_able
  • Instagram @celfable